Summer Matters Network PARTNER Analysis

July 25, 2018

In April 2018, the California Summer Matters Network (CSMN) conducted a survey to learn about its effectiveness, specifically about how well collaboration among partner organizations can achieve the goal to increase the number and quality of free or low-cost summer learning programs across California by facilitating strategic connections of summer learning supporters.

The survey relied on input from all organizations to create a complete diagram of the network. While only 36 of 95 organizations responded, insightful information was uncovered. Public Profit then used the PARTNER Tool to assess the partnerships that exist within the network.

If you contributed to this compilation of helpful data, thank you! Your time is greatly appreciated.

What was learned?

  • Member organizations are willing to contribute their time and knowledge.
  • The CSMN goal is aligned with the hopes of member organizations.
  • Most organizations connect infrequently and in a shallow relationship.
  • There is a lot of trust among the member organizations.
  • A few organizations have many connections.
  • Only A few organizations are the conduit of organizations to the CSMN.

What will be done?

  • Continue to reach out and encourage more and new organizations to get involved and collaborate with each other.
  • Seed new partnerships by offering a micro grant to two or more organizations willing to work together on a project that will support the CSMN goal.
  • Host a statewide convening in Sacramento, CA on March 1, 2019, where more organizations will have an opportunity to connect.
  • Provide opportunities for more and new organizations take a leadership role in the CSMN.

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