Program Quality

Effective Summer Learning Programs: Case Studies

There’s no doubt that budget cuts have had a tremendous impact on the availability of summer learning programs throughout California. But with a little creativity and a lot of dedication, some communities have managed to overcome the obstacles and create effective programs that are engaging students, expanding in size and scope, and demonstrating positive outcomes.

The Developing Brain: Implications for Youth Programs

There is increasing global attention to the growing field of brain research, but what are we learning today that may inform programs that serve children? How do environment and life experiences impact brain development? What can be done to mitigate the negative effects of trauma on the brain? As our knowledge of the brain grows, so too does the opportunity to use this information to actively shape programs, practices, and policies that promote the well-being of children and youth.

Summer Program Master Planning Timeline

This timeline is a helpful resource for planning and keeping track of all the ways you can improve your summer program, developed by the National Summer Learning Association.

Ideas for Helping Existing Summer Programs Embed Quality

Ideas for helping existing programs embed qualilty. Recommendations from TA providers.

Components of a High Quality Pre-Service Staff Training

Include discussions and demonstrations in your staff training on the following topics: Why are we offering this particular program? Who is an important part of our program, and what can we expect from them? How will we achieve our intended goals, and how will we know we were successful?