Quick CASP Crosswalk

A Crosswalk of the Quick CASP with the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California

About the Quick CASP Crosswalk

The Quick CASP was developed by the National Summer Learning Association to help summer learning programs continuously improve their program quality. The assessment indicators are drawn from the Comprehensive Assessment of Summer Programs (CASP), a set of 80 research-based indicators of program quality. The 36 indicators selected for the Quick CASP have been identified as critical levers to improving summer program quality.

As summer learning programs are a critical component for year-round learning, more summer programs are aspiring to be aligned with the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California. Summer learning programs across California are using the Quick CASP as a self-assessment of their planning, management, and point-of-service quality. The Quick CASP also provides technical assistance providers and practitioners the opportunity to update their data collection approach to track their progress.
This brief describes how well the Quick CASP addresses each of the Quality Standards, using an approach similar to A Crosswalk Between the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning and Program Quality Assessment Tools. For each of the Quality Standards, we indicate whether the Quick CASP has Strong, Moderate, or Minimal Alignment, or if the Standard wasn’t addressed at all.

Strong Alignment: Quick CASP has multiple measures that strongly correspond to the Quality Standard. Using the Quick CASP will provide a robust sense of the program’s alignment with the Quality Standard.

Moderate Alignment: Quick CASP has several measures that correspond to the Quality Standard, though some elements are not covered. Programs may need more information about their activities to fully assess their alignment with the Quality Standard.

Minimal Alignment: Quick CASP has few measures that correspond to the Quality Standard. Using the Quick CASP will offer minimal information about the program’s alignment to the Quality Standard.

Not Addressed: Quick CASP has no measures that correspond to the Quality Standard. Using the Quick CASP will not provide information about the program’s alignment to the Quality Standard.

Overview: The Quick CASP addresses ten of the twelve Quality Standards

The table below shows the Quality Standards along with the extent to which the Quick CASP addresses each. Mirroring the structure of the Quality Standards, we distinguish between Point-of-Service Quality, which focus on the experiences of youth in expanded learning settings and Programmatic Quality Standards, which are focused on structural and administrative features of expanded learning programs.

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As shown in the figure, the Quick CASP is strongly aligned with three quality standards: Active & Engaged Learning; Skill Building, and Continuous Quality Improvement. The Quick CASP addresses five of the Standards to some extent (see Moderate alignment), but do not address all of the details described in the Standards in Action document. The Quick CASP very briefly addresses two Standards: Healthy Choices and Behaviors; Diversity, Access and Equity. It does not address either Program Management or Sustainability.

The Quick CASP In Depth:
Alignment with Quality Standards for Expanded Learning

This section provides a more detailed overview of the ways in which the Quick CASP aligns with the Quality Standards.

Each Quality Standard is listed as written, and accompanied by the indicators from the Quick CASP that align with it. The reported degree of alignment depends both on the number of corresponding Quick CASP items and how closely the items match the brief descriptions of the Quality Standards.

  • Quality Standard 1: Safe and Supportive Environment
    The program provides a safe and nurturing environment that supports the developmental, social-emotional and physical needs of all students.

    The Quick CASP has Moderate Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Observation 9: Positive Reinforcement
    All staff use positive reinforcement to recognize movement toward specific group or individual goals in all activities.

    Observation 14: Arrival/Departure/Transitions
    Arrival, departure transitions and meal times are positive, unique experiences.

    Observation 16: Program Spirit
    Program creates a spirit of community and pride among all young people through: daily shared traditions, cheers, competitions, team designations and awards for positive actions or attitudes.

    Observation 19: Behavior Management
    Program environment is characterized by intentional, consistent behavioral leadership style led by both staff and youth throughout the entire program day.

  • Quality Standard 2: Active and Engaged Learning
    Program design and activities reflect active, meaningful and engaging learning methods that promote collaboration and expand student horizons.

    The Quick CASP has Strong Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 3: Stakeholder Feedback
    Program collects data on stakeholder perspectives about the summer program from at least three groups.

    Planning and Management 4: Average Daily Attendance
    On average, participants attend at least 85% of the summer session.

    Planning and Management 9: Lesson Plan Framework
    Program provides site coordinators and line staff a framework for unit and lesson planning that is connected to program goals and includes instructional strategies and support for benchmarking. Staff consistently uses framework to plan units and lessons.

    Planning and Management 16: Individualized, Tailored Instruction
    The results of pre-program assessment(s) inform lesson planning and instruction, and activities show differentiation for youth of different abilities or attitudes.

    Planning and Management 17: Youth Voice
    Over the course of the program, all youth have the opportunity to make major decisions based on their interests, which impact what and how they learn in the program.

    Observation 2: Multiple Grouping Strategies
    Most activities show a blend of large group, small group and individualized instruction that is planned in advance.

    Observation 5: Debriefs/Checks for Understanding
    All staff use debriefing techniques, recall and checks for understanding throughout the duration and at the end of each activity.

    Observation 7: Skill Building
    Most activities are intentionally linked to age-appropriate academic and developmental skills and work to build subject matter expertise and skill mastery through deep analysis of a subject or idea.

    Observation 10: Inquiry-Based Learning
    Most activities involve a hands-on, kinesthetic, or project-based component that allows youth to engage in in-depth investigations with objects, materials, phenomena and ideas and draw meaning and understanding from those experiences.

    Observation 11: Collaborative Learning
    Most activities promote collaborative learning and interdependence among youth.

    Observation 13: Youth-Produced Work
    Most youth-produced work has a purpose and value in the program. Presentation and sharing of youth work is a regular part of activities. Program projects and activities lead to a tangible end product that reflects the work of the youth over the course of the summer.

  • Quality Standard 3: Skill Building
    The program maintains high expectations for all students, intentionally links program goals and curricula with 21st-century skills and provides activities to help students achieve mastery.

    The Quick CASP has Strong Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Observation 3: Advance Planning
    All activities show evidence of a detailed lesson plan and begin and end on time. Materials are prepared in advance and easily accessible to all youth.

    Observation 4: Clear Expectations
    Staff sets clear expectations for activities be consistently framing and focusing the activity using these four strategies: directions for the activity; discussion of how success will be achieved and assessed; discussion of the level of attention or interaction required; and clarifying statements to refocus participants as needed.

    Observation 5: Debriefs/Checks for Understanding
    All staff use debriefing techniques, recall and checks for understanding throughout the duration and at the end of each activity.

    Observation 7: Skill Building
    Most activities are intentionally linked to age-appropriate academic and developmental skills and work to build subject matter expertise and skill mastery through deep analysis of a subject or idea.

    Observation 8: Integration of Academic and Developmental Focus
    Program schedule and activities show a full integration of strategies to promote academic growth and strategies to promote social or emotional growth. All staff lead integrated activities throughout the day.

    Observation 10: Inquiry-Based Learning
    Most activities involve a hands-on, kinesthetic, or project-based component that allows youth to engage in in-depth investigations with objects, materials, phenomena and ideas and draw meaning and understanding from those experiences.

    Observation 11: Collaborative Learning
    Most activities promote collaborative learning and interdependence among youth.

    Observation 12: Creative Thinking
    Most activities foster creative development and allow youth to choose active or artistic expressions to convey ideas and build skills. Creative activities are tied to age appropriate skills and learning comprehension.

    Observation 13: Youth-Produced Work
    Most youth-produced work has a purpose and value in the program. Presentation and sharing of youth work is a regular part of activities. Program projects and activities lead to a tangible end product that reflects the work of the youth over the course of the summer.

    Observation 15: Physical Environment
    Physical environment promotes creative thinking and exploration.

  • Quality Standard 4: Youth Voice and Leadership
    The program provides and supports intentional opportunities for students to play a meaningful role in program design and implementation, and provides ongoing access to authentic leadership roles.

    The Quick CASP has Moderate Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 3: Stakeholder Feedback
    Program collects data on stakeholder perspectives about the summer program from at least three groups.

    Planning and Management 17: Youth Voice
    Over the course of the program, all youth have the opportunity to make major decisions based on their interests, which impact what and how they learn in the program.

    Observation 5: Debriefs/Checks for Understanding
    All staff use debriefing techniques, recall and checks for understanding throughout the duration and at the end of each activity.

    Observation 11: Collaborative Learning
    Most activities promote collaborative learning and interdependence among youth.

  • Quality Standard 5: Healthy Choices and Behaviors
    The program promotes student well-being through opportunities to learn about and practice balanced nutrition, physical activity and other healthy choices in an environment that supports a healthy life style.

    The Quick CASP has Minimal Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Observation 18: Physical Activity
    Program dedicates at least 30 minutes per 3 hours of programming daily for physical activity for all youth.

  • Quality Standard 6: Diversity, Access and Equity
    The program creates an environment in which students experience values that embrace diversity and equity regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, income level, national origin, physical ability, sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression.
    The Quick CASP has Minimal Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 16: Individualized, Tailored Instruction
    The results of pre-program assessment(s) inform lesson planning and instruction, and activities show differentiation for youth of different abilities or attitudes.

  • Quality Standard 7: Quality Staff
    The program recruits and retains high quality staff and volunteers who are focused on creating a positive learning environment, and provides ongoing professional development based on assessed staff needs.

    The Quick CASP has Moderate Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 7: Use of a Certified Teacher
    There is a certified teacher on staff or available for consultation from the beginning and throughout the duration of the curriculum development and activity planning process to assist staff.

    Planning and Management 10: Staff Observation and Feedback
    Site coordinator observes each staff member multiple times during the summer session and provides feedback connected to identified staff competencies at planned intervals.

    Planning and Management 11: Staff Training Timeline
    Program requires summer program-specific staff training, connected to identified staff needs, at least two weeks before the program starts and includes additional paid time for individual or group preparation.

    Planning and Management 12: Alignment of Staff Needs and Planning
    Program formally assesses staff abilities upon hire against a set of articulated competencies for each position, and sets training objectives based on identified needs in those competencies.

    Planning and Management 15: Partner Staff Collaboration
    Program staff and partner staff collaborate to align program activities and coordinate services for youth.

    Observation 1: Adult to Youth Ratio
    The average program activity has an adult to youth ratio of 1:8 or lower.

    Observation 6: Staff Engagement
    All frontline staff have a clear role in the success of the activities they co-facilitate and are actively engaged throughout all activities.

  • Quality Standard 8: Clear Vision, Mission and Purpose
    The program has a clearly defined vision, mission, goals and measurable outcomes that reflect broad stakeholder input and drive program design, implementation and improvement.

    The Quick CASP has Moderate Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 1: Grounded Mission and Vision
    Program has used a variety of information sources, including direct feedback from community members, to conduct a community needs assessment. Program has mission and vision statements that are connected to the needs of the community served.

    Planning and Management 2: Program has at least two youth outcome goals that are aligned with the mission and the needs of the youth served and have all of the following characteristic: specific, measurable, realistic and time-limited.

    Planning and Management 3: Stakeholder Feedback
    Program collects data on stakeholder perspectives about the summer program from at least three groups.

    Planning and Management 5: Goal Measurement
    All youth outcome and program improvement goals are tied to indicators and data collection methods.

    Planning and Management 14: Family Involvement
    Families are considered primary stakeholders in the program, and there are both required and voluntary opportunities for families to participate in the program.

  • Quality Standard 9: Collaborative Partnerships
    The program intentionally builds and supports collaborative relationships among internal and external stakeholders, including families, schools and community, to achieve program goals.

    The Quick CASP has Moderate Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 3: Stakeholder Feedback
    Program collects data on stakeholder perspectives about the summer program from at least three groups.

    Planning and Management 7: Use of a Certified Teacher
    There is a certified teacher on staff or available for consultation from the beginning and throughout the duration of the curriculum development and activity planning process to assist staff.

    Planning and Management 14: Family Involvement
    Families are considered primary stakeholders in the program, and there are both required and voluntary opportunities for families to participate in the program.

    Planning and Management 15: Partner Staff Collaboration
    Program staff and partner staff collaborate to align program activities and coordinate services for youth.

    Planning and Management 17: Youth Voice
    Over the course of the program, all youth have the opportunity to make major decisions based on their interests, which impact what and how they learn in the program.

  • Quality Standard 10: Continuous Quality Improvement
    The program uses data from multiple sources to assess its strengths and weaknesses in order to continuously improve program design, outcomes and impact.

    The Quick CASP has Strong Alignment with this Standard. Aligned items include:

    Planning and Management 2: Program has at least two youth outcome goals that are aligned with the mission and the needs of the youth served and have all of the following characteristic: specific, measurable, realistic and time-limited.

    Planning and Management 3: Stakeholder Feedback
    Program collects data on stakeholder perspectives about the summer program from at least three groups.

    Planning and Management 5: Goal Measurement
    All youth outcome and program improvement goals are tied to indicators and data collection methods.

    Planning and Management 11: Staff Training Timeline
    Program requires summer program-specific staff training, connected to identified staff needs, at least two weeks before the program starts and includes additional paid time for individual or group preparation.

    Planning and Management 12: Alignment of Staff Needs and Planning
    Program formally assesses staff abilities upon hire against a set of articulated competencies for each position, and sets training objectives based on identified needs in those competencies.

  • Quality Standard 11: Program management
    The program has sound fiscal and administrative practices supported by well-defined and documented policies and procedures that meet grant requirements.

    The Quick CASP Does Not Address this Standard.

  • Quality Standard 12: Sustainability
    The program builds enduring partnerships with the community and secured commitments for in-kind and monetary contributions.

    The Quick CASP Does Not Address this Standard.


Public Profit compared the elements of the Quick CASP with the final version of the Quality Standards, which include descriptions of the standards in action.

Public Profit examined the content of the Quick CASP to determine (1) the breadth of coverage for each quality standard (i.e., the degree to which each element of the standard was covered) and (2) the depth of coverage for each quality standard (i.e., the degree to which the tool contained detailed and specific content for each element of the standard).

An expert rater assigned Quality Standard alignment ratings for the Quick CASP using a test/retest method, in which she rated the alignment between the Quick CASP and Quality Standards on two separate occasions. Areas with inconsistent ratings were referred to another staff person for review.
Source documents
The Quick CASP: A Summer Program Quality Assessment Tool

Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California (2014)

A Crosswalk Between the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning and Program Quality Assessment Tools (2014)