
Investing in Summer Learning: Stories from the Field

In select communities throughout California, districts are taking a proactive approach to address summer learning loss by using the funds provided by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Unlike traditional summer school, these summer learning programs combine much-needed academic content with fun, engaging activities.

Leveraging Summer for Student Success (LCFF)

High-quality summer learning programs aren’t just nice to have; for many students, they’re the difference between the potential for success and falling far behind their peers. In short, if you want to give your district’s most vulnerable students the best chance to succeed — YOU NEED SUMMER.


The brief documents why and how STEM education can be successfully integrated into summer learning programs, and the significant positive impacts it can have on students and staff.

Putting Summer to Work

Using data from surveys, focus groups and program observations in the summer of 2013, the reports listed below are intended to help education leaders and program providers understand specific strategies to meet time-sensitive priorities around Common Core preparation, students’ social and emotional growth, and teacher and staff development.

Getting a Head Start on the Common Core

How education leaders can use summer programs to stop summer learning loss, and build student and staff capacity to succeed in the new Common Core environment.

A High Impact Training Ground for Teachers and Staff

How education leaders can use summer programs to provide powerful professional learning opportunities in support of Common Core implementation and student-centered learning goals.

Teaching Kids How to Succeed in School

How education leaders can use summer programs to engage students and develop their confidence as capable learners.

Using a Comprehensive Assessment of Summer Programs (CASP)

Summer learning programs participating in the Summer Matters campaign use a standard toolkit to continually assess their programs, identify strengths, and plan improvements.

Making Your Program a District Priority

This packet is a resource to help you advocate for summer learning to be included in your school district’s Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) and corresponding investments. This guide includes:

Summer Learning Infographic

This summer learning infographic summarizes the challenges that summer learning programs address, the positive impact they have on students that participate, and the key features of an effective program.