Entries by Ezra Denney

Calculating the Return on Investment in Summer Learning

For over 10 years, New Mexico’s K-3 Plus program has been extending the school year for at-risk early elementary school children, with growth of the program fueled by positive findings from pilot studies. Minimum program funding is defined by law, but cost per student varies widely across jurisdictions. The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) spoke with researcher Linda Goetze at the University of New Mexico to understand the intersection of policy, funding, and return on summer reading investments.

Close to Home: Rethinking Summer and Summer School

I propose that we retool the old summer school model into summer enrichment camps that focus on 21st century skills. These summer programs would employ teachers who have expertise in applying instructional strategies that foster critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills in our students. They would work in partnership with nonprofit and other youth-serving organizations, public libraries and others to provide full-day learning and enrichment camps.

Resource for Summer Programs & TA Providers to Support the Sustainability of Summer Programs


TA Providers were asked to walk around the room visiting each of the eight sustainability domain posters on the walls and discuss these guiding questions as a group.

What are some best practices for this element?
With no limits, what are other ideas you envision for this element?
Providers wrote ideas on notes for each poster. To read the responses, download the pdf.

How Summer Learning Strengthens Student Success

How Summer Learning Strengthens Students’ Success is an independent evaluation of three Summer Matters pilot programs. The report measures impact on students’ academic achievement – both during the summer months and extending throughout the school year. Analysis of the data concluded high quality summer learning programs in Fresno, Los Angeles and Sacramento have bolstered students’ academic success by strengthening their academic skills in general and literacy skills in particular, and increasing the effectiveness of their work habits and confidence in their abilities as learners.

The Skills to Pay the Bills

Nonprofit organizations serving young people exist to provide meaningful opportunities for those young people to build their skills; experience positive, supportive relationships; and prepare for the future. No one would judge an organization’s worth by its financial soundness alone, but financially unhealthy programs threaten an organization’s ability to achieve its mission. Unfortunately, although they are critical to effective management, core organizational capabilities and effective administrative functions often are mistakenly perceived as peripheral to an organization’s mission.

Tools for Effective Summer Programs

During this training, adapted from the Summer Matters Technical Assistance Manual, participants will learn about elements of high-quality summer programs and effective tools to guide programs in their ongoing development of quality programming.