Entries by Daren Howard


Why does Summer Matter to you? Post a video explaining why summer matters to you and use the hashtag ‪#‎WhySummerMatters‬. We’ll be sharing videos we receive from kids, programs, and families, and highlighting great summer learning opportunities throughout the state.

Program Spotlight Submission Form

There are so many innovative summer learning programs across California. We would love to feature your program on our website. If you a leader of a summer learning program, please provide us with some information about your program so that we can tell our readers about the amazing things happening in your city.

Does your district stand up for summer?

A growing movement of educators across California have signed on as champions of high-quality and engaging summer learning. Will you?
Stand with dozens of educators from across California in calling on superintendents, school board leaders, principals, policy makers, business leaders, child advocates, parents and students to join the growing Summer Matters movement to ensure every child has access to summer learning opportunities that support year-round learning and well-being.